Video game testing can be fun and profitable. Do to the massive growth in the video game industry; they need video game testers. Companies will pay up to $80 an hour for your help in testing video games.
The requirements of video game testing are you have to have a video game system or PC to test the video games and you have to be 15 years or older.
Here is how it works:
1. You have to find a video game testing job. Finding a video game testing job can be difficult, unless you have a friend that tests video games. Once you get in to video game testing, if you fail to complete an assignment you will lose your job.
2. Get the assignment and video game to test. The company that wants you to test the video game will send you the game and a form that you fill out after you are done testing the video game. The form normally wants to tell them of any glitches or mistakes in the game. When you are done with the form, send it back to the company.
3. Go to your mailbox and get your check. Normally it will take two weeks after you send in you are assignment to get your check. In addition, some of the companies let you keep the video game you tested.
I hope this article was insightful on the video game testing industry. The pay as a video game tester is rather good. If you like to play video games all day long, why not get paid for it?
Working as a video game tester, you can earn up to $80 an hour to test new video games on your PC or Video game console. Visit Video Game Tester to start video game testing today.