Anokis Productions offers one of the Broadest and Most Complete Set of: video, voice and data conferencing network solutions. Video used as Educational Video in distance learning packages can include:
• Speeches and Lectures
• Presentations with PowerPoint and other Computer Graphics
• Alongside Demonstrations of physical or technical skills
Of the web-based communication tools available in an e-learning environment, video can offer the richest experience because of its ability and visual impact. It can also convey more information and at a subtler level than any other form of communication, simultaneously. However, transmission of video on the web can mean high demands on bandwidth impeding the user experience. In addition, high production times and costs along with the need to responsibly incorporate multimedia within a sound pedagogical framework necessitates a well-planned approach to this medium.
Interactive multimedia and e-learning are extremely powerful and flexible tools for the trainer. This site is intended for trainers who are looking either to source interactive multimedia training videos and e-learning materials. As well as describing our own interactive multimedia and video production services and listing our ready-made multimedia and e-learning titles, the site provides an introduction to the creation and use of new media and film animation training video and e-learning, including the issues of different authoring styles.
Video forms an integral part of many distance-learning programs. Video can be delivered into both DVD & CDs and video on the web, internet-based e-learning schemes.